πReference Materials
Some great additional resources.
"Example" drawing that shows an example event bridge
"Introducing Event Storming" by Alberto Brandolini, the first article ever written on the subject (make sure not to skip the foreword disclaimer)
"An Introduction to Event Storming: The Easy Way to Achieve Domain-Driven Design" by Steven Lowe, Google product technology manager
"Remote EventStorming (not Event Storming): Redesigning Everything" by Alberto Brandolini
"Model Storming: A Different Approach to Collaborative Model Discovery." Slides from one of Brandolini's talks on the slightly broader, the experimental concept of Model Storming
EventStorming, the workshop method's official website, with four uniquely developed methods to explore for various applications
"Context Mapper", Model Event Storming Results in Context Mapper
100,000 Stickies Later: Brandolini's most recent introduction to and definition of EventStorming
Event Storming - DDD Europe: A "sequel" to 50,000 Orange Stickies, representing Brandolini as a more experienced presenter
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